
Mariana Carvalho (São Paulo/Berlin) is a performer, sound artist, improviser and musician, working with body, voices, listening, relation, inner sounds and prepared piano. She is part of Sonora – músicas e feminismos and GEXLAT. She is currently doing her masters at Sound Studies and Sonic Arts, UdK Berlin and is a tutor at the Soundscape Project at TU Berlin. She has a piano bachelor ‘s degree at the University of São Paulo, where she was part of NuSom – Research Center on Sonology of USP and Orquestra Errante.

Kayla Elrod is a US artist based in Berlin. They use sound and body to construct experiments and performances, engaging audiences with topics of labor, eroticism, value and waste. Since moving to Berlin, they have earned their MA in Sound Studies and Sonic Arts at UdK as well as help found Sonic Curiosities Collective and LODE Collective, both of which promote FLINTA* musicians, sound artists, and performers. Their works take the shape of durational performances, noise concerts, site-specific responses and installations <>. 

Genesis Victoria. Non-binary Sound and performance artist (they/them). Chile, 1989. Pursuing a Master’s degree in Sound Studies and Sonic Arts at UdK Berlin. Their work consists of creating experimental sound systems and performances for specific sites, creating haptic-sexual ritual experiences with speakers, microphones and sounds through bodywork, from a post-acousmatic queer feminist decolonial approach. Their sound systems are considered ecologies where all participants, human and non-human, create a temporary sonic community, where sounds and gestures create an aesthetic field of diverse sonic zones and/or textures and relations. Their performances respond to the specificity of the sites: their memories, stories/History, material qualities, acoustic, placement and so on.

Kirstine Kjeldsen (she/they) explores listening and sounding as ways to approach places, landscapes, stories and perception. In the field of sound art, experimental music and research, they explore interdependence, tactility and communication. With a focus on embodied feminist practices, they work with sound synthesis, improvisation and field recording as well as with hand craft and self-made electro-acoustic instruments.